About Me
Hi, I’m Nakhter.
I help people connect with their innate capacities to heal and grow.
I believe:
People make sense
Relationships can heal
You are wiser than you know
Why therapy?
As humans, we are born “hard-wired” for connection. It is within relationship that we grow and thrive. Sadly, sometimes the relationships that are supposed to protect us—family, community, culture— do not see and value the whole of us, leaving us wounded.
Maybe you are dealing with:
Relationship difficulties
Family and ancestral trauma
Anxiety or Depression
Perfectionism or Lack of motivation
Immigration/Multicultural issues
I know what it is like to feel like your therapist can’t hold the complexity of your identities or experience. I know marginalization, embrace the intersections, and work well with people from all over the race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality spectrums.
My Path and Studies
My own healing journey began in college, when I found some moments of peace in a yoga class and realized feeling at-ease was even possible. I finished my BS in human physiology and then began facilitating yoga classes. I saw the centrality of the body in healing, so I studied bodywork at McKinnon Body Therapy Center and began learning about Somatic Experiencing™
While working as a massage therapist, I continued learning with senior Somatic Experiencing faculty Dave Berger and became a certified practitioner of BASE— bodywork and somatic education for trauma therapists, which is a form of non-directive relational bodywork for helping folks resolve trauma. I completed my Masters in Somatic Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold—service was joy.”
— Rabindranath Tagore